Providing dedicated daytime and after-hours on-call answering services for home care companies throughout the United States.

Senior Care News

Top Home Care Answering Service in the US by 24/7 Coastal Contact

Celebrating February Birthdays with Our Team!

This month, we celebrate the incredible team members who bring dedication, compassion, and excellence to everything they do.
Home Care Answering Service - Celebrating February Birthdays with Our Team!
Home Care Answering Service - Celebrating February Birthdays with Our Team!

This month, we celebrate the incredible team members who bring dedication, compassion, and excellence to everything they do.

Your hard work, kindness, and commitment to exceptional care make a difference in the lives of our clients every single day. We are so very fortunate to have you on our team!

Join us in wishing a Happy Birthday to our Amazing Team Members!

Courtney Kendrick – Feb . 7th
Christina Usery – Feb. 18th

We hope your birthdays are filled with as much joy, appreciation, and celebration as you bring to our team and those we serve. Wishing you a fantastic year ahead!

Home Care Answering Service - Celebrating February Birthdays with Our Team!
Home Care Answering Service – Celebrating February Birthdays with Our Team!

If you are considering hiring a Home Care Answering Service that is dedicated to the senior care market, contact 24/7 Coastal Contact today at (251) 260-0226.

Let us show you how and why we are different from any other service you may have tried in the past. Our team approach is the standard that sets us apart from the rest.

Becky King, Founder, CEO

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